Doing What I Love : A Love Letter

Doing What I Love : A Love Letter

Hey there!

I'm Sawni, founder and chief-everything-officer at Hyppy. Of all the things 23-year old me could've done, I chose to start a brand & been a happy-hyppy ever since!

Hyppy, my bohemian brainchild, evolved from my little art blog called MissLongLocks (have always had long tresses hehe). What started in college as doodles on the last bench is now serious business!

 So, how did this all start? 

I always felt my path was somewhere between artsy and entrepreneurial. It's like I got the best of both worlds from my folks. My mom, she's an artist through and through—masterful at embroidery, crafts, clay, you name it. She's my muse, my enroller-in-countless-art-classes and, my eye-opener-to-various-art-forms. I owe a lot to her for my art journey and the pivotal role she played in it.

Then there's the biz side, all thanks to my dad. Born into a Baniya family, business has been & continues to be our dinner table conversation. 

I find myself showing up day in and day out, and I know that's straight from my dad's playbook. Seeing him hustle and build from scratch is a reminder of the sheer grit it takes to turn a business into something remarkable.


As I grew up, that entrepreneurial bug just sunk its teeth in deeper. I found myself dreaming of crafting something totally new, something with real meaning. In college, I waded myself knee-deep into marketing and branding, and went all in in my final semester.

Hyppy is where I mixed art and commerce, shaking them up like a master mixologist. Grateful to have found my calling, and it's heartwarming to see it make some real noise! So yeah, I get to do what I love.

But why do I love it so much, you ask?

Well, to me, love, as complex as it may seem, means sticking through thick and thin, the highs, the lows, and the mundane. It's about embracing the journey, not just eyeing the destination. The daily hustle, brainstorming, teamwork, and even the occasional disagreements – that's the real deal. This delightful chaos is what I cherish, way more than any outcome.

Every morning, I leap out of bed with a sense of purpose, knowing there's something thrilling waiting for me to tackle. It’s not all rainbows, but definitely lots of sunshine! My daily routine is like a whirlwind adventure, jumping from design projects to crafting marketing strategies, and from sourcing materials to managing sales and logistics. It's a delightful juggling act, balancing my creative instincts with my analytical prowess.

And here’s the real kicker: It's not just the work itself, but the people and the bigger picture. Growing Hyppy isn't just about business; it's about spreading joy, creating something truly special, and giving people an unforgettable experience. That's what keeps me fueled up and ready to rock every single day.

But wait, there's more! The real MVPs of Hyppy are my team – a group of humble, passionate, and genuine superstars. They're the heartbeat of Hyppy, the secret ingredient in our success recipe. And guess what, they're eager to share their stories with you too.

As Hyppy grows, our mission becomes clearer.

We aim to be a conscious design-first brand, proudly made in India and loved worldwide. This mission keeps us grounded and driven to do our best every day.

That's my story in a nutshell. Doing what I love, with my whole heart.
If you've made it this far, congratulations!
You've unlocked a virtual high-five and a sprinkle of confetti.

With all the love in my heart,
Signing off,
Sawni :)
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